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Hexacore Polybump Speed Bump

Frontier Hexacore Speed bumps are number one in load bearing capacity. Certified to pressures of over 40 tons ! Frontier speed breakers often referred to as poly bumps are made from new special material. These heavy duty speed breakers resists damage from chemicals or weather. Frontier poly bumps are maintenance-free, UV-resistant and will not fade or require frequent re-painting. Select from our two models and ask our experts to help you position them at your societies, parking lots, factories etc. Frontier heavy duty speed breakers are easy to install because of their modular construction.

Top surface of our speed bumps have a chequered texture on purpose so as to allow maximum grip between the vehicle tyre and the bump. As a speed bump manufacturer, Frontier has developed its unique identity in speed bump industry by providing strong and effective speed breakers.

Category: Product ID: 20555





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